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So far Tony Caputo has created 52 entries.

Many of the common complaints from customers at a retail gas station are solvable with Warren Rogers

By |April 10th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized||0 Comments


Warren Rogers provides precision fuel management solutions for various industries, including retail fueling, convenience stores, commercial fleets, and government agencies. Our services include fuel inventory management, loss detection, compliance monitoring, and precision fuel system diagnostics. Warren Rogers’ technology helps optimize fueling operations, increase efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure regulatory compliance for their clients.

We excel in helping such operators improve their forecourt performance. Common complaints from customers fueling their cars in the forecourt may include:

1. Slow dispensing speed: Customers may complain about slow fuel dispensing, leading to longer wait times and inconvenience.
2. Malfunctioning equipment: Issues with the fuel pump, payment terminals, or other equipment can frustrate customers and disrupt their fueling experience.
3. Inaccurate fuel metering: Customers may raise concerns about discrepancies between the amount of fuel dispensed and the amount charged.
4. Dirty or unkempt facilities: Customers may be dissatisfied with dirty or poorly maintained gas station facilities, including restrooms, trash bins, and outdoor areas.
5. High fuel prices: Complaints about high fuel prices compared to nearby gas stations or expectations based on market trends.
6. Lack of available fuel types: Customers may be disappointed if a gas station doesn’t offer the type of fuel they need, such as diesel or premium gasoline.
7. Poor customer service: Negative interactions with gas station staff, including rude behavior, slow service, or unhelpfulness.
8. Safety and security concerns: Issues such as inadequate lighting, lack of surveillance cameras, or a perceived lack of safety measures can deter customers from returning to a gas station.

While Warren Rogers cannot fix every issue noted above, we can put a dent in the Top 3! Learn more about fuelWRAp and all we do at www.warrenrogers.com.


Can Continuous Wet-stock Inventory Reconciliation (CR) help to tame the fuel profitability monster?

By |April 8th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized||0 Comments

By Tony Caputo, Warren Rogers Precision Fuel System Diagnostics

IGM_MAY_JUNE_2024-WRA Article Continuous Reconciliation

In today’s retail fuel industry, numerous factors can impact efficiency and profitability. Concerns such as theft, delivery shortages, inaccurate meter calibration, equipment tampering, and equipment failure are all legitimate worries for operators. Most fuel retailers prefer to be promptly informed about these issues rather than discovering them at the end of the day, week, or month. However, many lack the necessary technology or accounting processes to receive timely alerts regarding loss-related issues, if they receive any alerts at all. Consequently, numerous fuel retailers resign themselves to the belief that “loss is inevitable” in the fuel business, resulting in significant annual write-offs due to “fuel shrinkage.”

Fortunately, today’s hardware and software solutions, complemented by expert third-party assistance, offer avenues to attain a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of retail fuel operations. Modern monitoring solutions can scrutinize even the smallest fluctuations in inventory, unusual driver behavior, dispenser inactivity, and other patterns. These insights are invaluable as they can help identify compliance issues and mitigate profit reductions.

At its most basic level, in an ideal scenario, there exists an equilibrium between the fuel delivered to a fuel station’s tanks, the amount dispensed, and what remains in the tanks by day’s end. Any deviations from this balance typically yield adverse effects on the financial outcome. Regrettably, numerous risks are constantly present in the operations of a functioning convenience store or travel center. For fuel operators managing dozens or even hundreds of locations, the cumulative financial impact can swiftly reach into thousands or even millions of dollars. Each risk poses the potential for undiscovered or challenging-to-detect financial losses for the business.

The potential sources of loss on an Underground Storage Tank […]

SIR Warren Rogers: King of Leak Detection By the Numbers

By |March 26th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized||0 Comments

Archived article, PetroPlaza, originally released 10/1/2000


In an interview with Jaime Kammerzell, Dr. Warren Rogers discusses his early years as a United States Naval Aviator, his involvement in the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations and the US Naval War College, and his current career as president of Warren Rogers Associates, Inc.

Last update: October 1, 2000
Author: Kammerzell Jaime

Statistics reconcile the facts-
Dr. Warren F. Rogers is recognized as the leading authority on statistical inventory reconciliation (SIR) to detect leaking underground storage systems. How did this retired Navy Commander and former teacher at the prestigious Naval War College arrive at this position? The answer, plus some interesting comments on the future use of SIR, are found in this interview of Dr. Rogers.
Where were you born?
I was born in New York City, but my family moved to Ireland when I was an infant and I remained there until I was 21.

Why did you return to the United States?
When I applied for a passport at the American Embassy in Dublin, I was informed that a condition for getting the passport was that I enter one of the armed services—I was subject to the Korean War draft. I had the option of going to Paris and joining the Air Force there for a couple of years or returning to the United States, which I did, and entering the Navy. My original intent when I entered the Navy was to complete the shortest possible tour of duty, get out and get on with my life. But after I’d been in the Navy for awhile, I found I enjoyed it, particularly when I was given the opportunity to enter flight training. So I went to Pensacola, Florida and became an aviator. After […]

Cloud-Based Fuel Management Has Retailers Looking Up

By |March 26th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized||0 Comments

C-Store Decisions, March 22, 2021

Cloud-Based Fuel Management Has Retailers Looking Up

Fuel monitoring systems like fuelWRAp automate monitoring for more accurate troubleshooting and problem diagnostics.
By Thomas Mulloy | March 22, 2021

Precision fuel monitoring systems maker Warren Rogers introduced the latest version of its innovative and secure fuelWRAp application, which helps convenience stores and other fuel retailers manage their fuel systems.

Warren Rogers’ fuelWRAp is a highly precise and efficient fuel management system using real-time data and leveraging the flexibility and smart analytics of the cloud to help fuel retailers continuously track every drop of precious fuel inventory — as it makes its way to their sites, enters the tank, flows through each fuel line, and reaches the meter — even at the most complex, high-throughput sites.

The latest edition of fuelWRAp features a new and intuitive User Dashboard, simplified menu options, detailed diagnostics, insightful performance metrics, and industry-leading exception-based reporting — all supported by analyst teams, directly assigned to each client.

Using fuelWRAp, travel center and conventional convenience store support staff can minimize their time spent each day identifying and addressing issues such as dormant or down fueling positions, water in tank, active tank gauge alarms, meters out-of-variance, failed tank, sensor, and line testing, low inventory levels, lost communications, slowing fuel flow trends, and other abnormalities.

For fuel operators who count on the manual reporting of store equipment-related issues, fuelWRAp automates these tasks and provides critical information, 24/7, 365 days a year. Users can view their forecourt diagnostics across their enterprise on a consolidated and centralized online platform, enabled for desktop, mobile, and tablet. FuelWRAp will continue to provide customized auditing and operational reports along with the compliance documentation required to meet all state and federal regulations.

“Our experts analyze customer data, look for anomalies, and alert them to potential problems […]

Warren Rogers Introduces NEW Task/Inspection Tracking & Document Management Tools for fuelWRAp!

By |February 16th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized||0 Comments

Eliminate manual task-tracking methods with Warren Rogers and secure your files in the safety of the Warren Rogers’ cloud.

Task/Inspection Tracking– With Warren Rogers’ available Task Tracking tools in place, fuelWRAp users can now benefit from a centralized portal to electronically schedule, track, set reminders for open tasks, and automatically create recurring future events.  Our Task/Inspection tracking tools are a great way to receive calendar reminders on repeating events, such as 30-day walk-throughs, annual tank and line tests, state registrations, and more. Really, there is no limit to what you can set up as a recurring reminder.

Schedule tasks for one site or all sites, easily with our task administrator tools. Simply set up templates by state, county, city, or any standard protocols you would like to institute within the tool. Feel free to assign scheduled completion dates and parties responsible to complete the tasks as well.

View your pending tasks via our online dashboard, fuelWRAp!

Track the tasks via the fuelWRAp dashboard to view Open, Finished, or tasks not yet scheduled. Filter to the specific tasks you are focused upon and download or print a list, if desired. All from the fuelWRAp dashboard.

Complete tasks as they are finished! Add any notes to the tasks completed, upload documents to support the work, and then mark the task as completed. It is as simple as that!

Recur– The system will then automatically-set recurring dates in the future based on the frequency you would like the tasks completed again. These will show as open tasks for your viewing the following week, month, year, or 5 years, depending on your preferences.  No limit on the number or tasks or frequency. You are in complete control!

Administrators are able to provide limited access to internal and external users to view and complete tasks as well […]

Can Improved Forecourt Performance Increase Overall Profitability?

By |February 13th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized||0 Comments



We have all been there……It’s July, 95 degrees outside, and your car is on empty. The last thing you want to do is stop for gas in the heat!  After working through the dispenser prompts, inserting your credit card, and picking the grade desired, fuel begins to dispense. Yes, and I got my discount! However, after about 3 minutes, your tank is only half full.

How did this happen?! I have things to do! It is so hot out here! Why me?!… you scream with your internal voice (hopefully)!

Often, when customers encounter slow-dispensing fuel lanes, their response is to short fill their tank and drive to your competitors to top off, perhaps never to return to your fuel station. When a dispenser or two is blocked off due to repair and your site is busy, your customers are more prone to drive to your competition as well, only compounding your profitability issue.

Of course, in the perfect world, every lane is open and dispensing properly! The optimal standard for the proper dispensing of fuel is between 8 and 10 gallons per minute for gasoline or automotive diesel grades. For over the road diesel and large trucks, the standard is even higher at 35-50 gallons per minute.  If all goes well, the average fueling transaction should be quick, 2-3 minutes for automotive grades and 5-8 minutes for large trucks fueling at a high-flow diesel facility.

As we know, time is money! The more time that drivers take to fuel their vehicles, the less time they have to visit inside your store or accomplish other tasks. Frustration can also lead to a lower opinion of your fueling location and business. Unfortunately, with a slow-dispensing or out-of-order fuel lane, you […]

The Numerous Benefits of Remote Forecourt Monitoring Technology

By |February 9th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized||0 Comments

The Numerous Benefits of Remote Forecourt Monitoring Technology
See printed article in SIGMA’s IGM Magazine, Jan/Feb 2024:

The Numerous Benefits of Remote Forecourt Monitoring Technology

In today’s fuel forecourts, many things can go wrong, often without your knowledge. Or, at the very least, without your immediate knowledge. In most cases, a quick reaction could have been taken and lowered your eventual loss, fine, or repair cost. Fuel leaks, theft, meter drift, clogged fuel filters, broken dispensers, delivery shortages, and other issues can occur at any time. Unfortunately, often only after the 10th or 100th customer complaint, does the issue reach the ear of the store manager. In the meantime, your customers have gone to your competitors for fuel.

Today, manual effort and legacy processes consume an inordinate amount of time for store and corporate staff. While manual staff effort can be considered a soft cost for a company, the amount of labor used and the lack of true operational insight may be costing your business substantially more than you realize.

The largest risk to most operators is DELAY. Delay in becoming aware of the issue at hand and delay in addressing the problem. Delays can result in additional spending on cleanup, notices of violations, fines, and repair costs. Other costs, though hard to tabulate, can include lost customers, reduced gallon throughput, and inside sales when you lose a customer to the competition. As companies grow, existing staff will often take on the responsibility for additional locations without added manpower. This can result in less attention and time paid to compliance and maintenance issues. Fortunately, improved technology can make staff more efficient, allowing operators to maximize staff productivity while still getting the work done.  And, in a cost-effective manner!

The primary […]

Onvo, a major travel center and c-store retailer, selects Warren Rogers for fuel system compliance, wet-stock management, and forecourt diagnostic services

By |February 9th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized||0 Comments


For Immediate Release


Contact: Tony Caputo

Warren Rogers Associates

800-972-7472, ext. 853



Media Contact: Lynn Butler RDW Group




Onvo, a major travel center and c-store retailer, selects Warren Rogers for fuel system compliance, wet-stock management, and forecourt diagnostic services


MIDDLETOWN, R.I. — (December 6, 2023) Onvo, a major regional travel center and convenience store retailer, with 39 locations throughout Pennsylvania and New York, has selected Warren Rogers Precision Fuel System Diagnostics as their provider of fuel system compliance, wet-stock management, and forecourt diagnostics.


“We chose Warren Rogers for our fuel management needs because of their comprehensive services and their leadership in the industry,” said Harman Aulakh, Vice President of Marketing at Onvo, Scranton, Pennsylvania. “The fuelWRAp real-time system is an important tool for us to improve efficiency across our sites. The ability to monitor activity such as delivery shortages and potential theft, inaccurate meter calibration, and poor flow rates is just one of the benefits of working with Warren Rogers and we’re excited to kick off this partnership.”


Onvo (www.tryonvo.com) will utilize the Warren Rogers fuelWRAp system, which uses real-time data and leverages the flexibility and smart analytics of the cloud to help fuel retailers continuously track every drop of precious fuel inventory — as it makes its way to their sites, enters the tank, flows through each fuel line, and reaches the meter — even at the most complex, high-throughput sites. In addition, Warren Rogers will provide customized auditing and operational reports along with the compliance documentation required to meet all state and federal regulations.

Using fuelWRAp, travel center and conventional convenience store support staff can minimize their time spent each day identifying and addressing issues such as dormant or down fueling positions, water in tank, active tank gauge alarms, meters […]

Hutchinson Oil (Hutch’s), a major Midwest regional travel center and convenience store retailer and fuel distributor, selects Warren Rogers for fuel system compliance, wet-stock management, and forecourt diagnostic services

By |February 9th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized||0 Comments



For Immediate Release


Contact: Tony Caputo

Warren Rogers Associates

800-972-7472, ext. 853



Media Contact: Lynn Butler RDW Group




Hutchinson Oil (Hutch’s), a major Midwest regional travel center and convenience store retailer and fuel distributor, selects Warren Rogers for fuel system compliance, wet-stock management, and forecourt diagnostic services

MIDDLETOWN, R.I. — (January 15, 2024) Hutchinson Oil (Hutch’s), a major Midwest regional travel center, convenience store, car wash retailer and fuel distributor, with 21 locations throughout Oklahoma and Kansas, has selected Warren Rogers Precision Fuel System Diagnostics as their provider of fuel system compliance, wet-stock management, and forecourt diagnostics.

““Warren Rogers and fuelWRAp will help us to gain the increased ability to monitor forecourt and wet-stock activity at our locations, in real-time. This new level of oversight will bring higher levels of automation and efficiency to our company, allowing us to continue to provide low prices on fuel for travelers and truck drivers. We selected Warren Rogers for their fuel management expertise in the industry and to assist us with our ongoing store growth plans and technology improvements,” said Kurtis Hutchinson, VP of Fuels at Hutchinson Oil in Elk City, OK. “The fuelWRAp real-time system will help us to continue to improve efficiency across our sites in the areas of compliance and forecourt maintenance. Remotely-monitoring activities such as delivery shortages and potential theft, inaccurate meter calibration, and poor flow rates is just one of the benefits of working with Warren Rogers. We are very excited to kick off this new partnership.”

Hutchinson Oil (Hutch’s) (www.hutchs.net) will utilize the Warren Rogers fuelWRAp system, which uses real-time data and leverages the flexibility and smart analytics of the cloud to help fuel retailers continuously track every drop of precious fuel inventory — as it makes its […]

Technology Tools for Multi-Site Environmental Compliance and Facilities Managers

By |October 20th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized||0 Comments

Technology Tools for Multi-Site Environmental Compliance and Facilities Managers
By Tony Caputo, Warren Rogers

Some of the most-challenging positions within a multi-site c-store or travel center operation are in the areas of environmental compliance and facilities maintenance. Often, corporate staff can wear both hats as the company grows in both size and location count. For compliance managers, keeping up with the recurring inspections and tasks to meet environmental regulations can be daunting and difficult to keep up with. It also comes without saying how busy a maintenance manager can be keeping forecourts running smoothly while addressing ATG alarms, filter changes, tank cleanings, underground equipment, and dispenser repairs.

Today, environmental and maintenance managers may be reliant on spreadsheets and reminder notes to track their site equipment, repair needs, and required compliance testing. When the company was smaller in size, this tracking method may have been adequate, but may now result in missed deadlines, notices of violations, avoidable stress, and expensive, last-minute reaction to inspection and repair needs. In addition, forecourt performance can suffer with down dispensers, red tags, NOVs, and slow-flowing lanes through delayed or overlooked repairs.

Once a fuel operation reaches a certain size, an investment in technology can make a huge difference in managing the cost and complexities of compliance requirements and maintenance needs.  Today’s technology can help lean organizations to better-track, assign, and ensure that required inspections and repairs take place as expected. With the use of a web-based diary and document storage process in place, less issues can go unaddressed or overlooked.

Here are a few areas to consider in your search to improve technology within your company.

Document Storage

First and foremost, an efficient compliance and maintenance department needs easy access to documentation and the ability to […]