William has contributed to the evolution of technologies, standards, and regulations pertaining to tank systems and their operation for more than 30 years. He’s a sought-after industry speaker and has been called as an expert witness in underground storage tank litigation and arbitration proceedings. He advises industry decision makers about best practices in fuel management, and specializes in issues at high-throughput sites. His expertise and commitment drive the company’s continued technical progress and exceptional service ethic. Bill works directly with our engineers and statisticians to solve the petroleum retail industry’s most complex problems.
Jill co-founded the company with Warren Rogers in 1979. She is a true pioneer in this industry, having developed the first reliable means of predicting when underground steel fuel storage tanks would fail. That method is so reliable, it’s used in more than 25,000 gas stations in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Japan, Central America and Australia. Jill’s expertise, combined with advances in automation and communication technology, led to the creation of our Continual Reconciliation Analysis to monitor and analyze fuel inventories at some of the most active fuel sites in North America.
Caroline Walker has a strong background in mathematical statistics (B.S. MIT, M.S. University of Washington) and a passion for solving challenging problems. Since joining Warren Rogers in 2013 she has continued to advance our proud legacy of innovation, developing next generation analytical tools which leverage the power of big data to provide our customers with actionable insights- enabling them to maintain high standards in maintenance efficiency, ensure positive customer experiences at the pump, and increase forecourt profitability. At Warren Rogers, Caroline loves having the opportunity to work closely with customers to find the perfect-fit solution for their novel analytical and diagnostic needs. In addition to her analytical work Caroline has presented at a number of national conferences, most recently including the 2020 SAS Global Forum where she gave the talk “Principal Component Analysis Demystified”.
Mike has been with Warren Rogers since joining the internship program in 2009. After graduating from the University of Rhode Island in 2012 with a B.S in Mechanical Engineering, he joined Warren Rogers full-time as a member of their Engineering Support team. Since then, he has gone on to oversee all things related to IT, leads the Manufacturing, Field Services and Installation teams, and has become the conduit between Software and Product Development.
Tony joined our team in 2020 and supports the growth of Warren Rogers and lending insight into the continued development of our advanced wet-stock management tools. Tony has worked in the industry for over twenty years in a variety of leadership positions at The Kroger Co. and EG America. He has extensive background and experience in marketing, fuel management, fuel pricing, risk management, workers compensation, environmental compliance, and operations in both the fuel and supermarket arenas.