DOCUMENT. TRACK. SHARE. SECURE.  All with innovative tools from Warren Rogers!

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NEW! Asset Management Tracking– With Warren Rogers’ available Asset Management Tracking tools in place,  fuelWRAp users can now benefit from a centralized portal to electronically track details regarding store assets and fuel equipment.  Our asset tracking tools are a great way to consolidate and store critical information.

Share the information internally with authorized users or 3rd party equipment and service companies.

Archive in the fuelWRAp dashboard to securely store critical information and become less-reliant on paper-based documentation, memory, other storage methods.

Safely secure the information in the Warren Rogers’ cloud….and you OWN the data! We never hold you hostage to pricing increases or access to obtain your critical data, now or at the end of a contract term.

Reporting:  View Create ad-hoc reports on your assets directly in fuelWRAp!  Need to know your tank monitor models, line leak detectors, opening dates, addresses, dispenser brands, or forms of leak detection across all of your locations? Easy!

Warren Rogers gives you the ability to centralize all of your asset information in ONE place with the added security of the cloud!

• Accessible on your desktop, tablet, or mobile. No matter where you are at, you can access your documents when needed. Address urgent requests with the latest data storage technology available!